Record-breaking sale: all residential units awarded at the first auction.

Immediate success for the sale of a residential complex in the province of Padua. At the first auction attempt, all 8 apartments in the same building were awarded to as many buyers. This case study once again confirms the effectiveness of our sales strategies, capable of liquidating assets in a short time.

The asset is located in the municipality of Montagnana (PD), described as “a true medieval gem,” renowned for its historical and cultural heritage. Each residential unit comes with a garage and a balcony, features that have enhanced its appeal among investors in the residential sector.

A strategic vision that hits the target on the first try!

From hospitality to industrial real estate, every asset requires a tailored strategic approach to maximize market returns and turn every auction into a success.
A thorough analysis of the asset and the real estate market context allowed us to define a targeted strategy, enhancing the distinctive features of the properties: a well-connected location with access to city and commercial services, proximity to the Civil Hospital, and the presence of a terrace and an underground garage in the same building. The average unit sizes, ranging between 70 and 80 sqm, also attracted interest from various buyers.

A customized communication plan, including digital channels, ensured extensive visibility for the assets, driving competition with 19 auction participants and completing the sale in just over three months from the start of the procedure.

Diam molestie cursus malesuada viverra non ut ornare.


Valore asset gestiti.


Valore massimo battuto in asta.


tasso medio di crescita degli ultimi anni.


Numero utenti raggiunti.


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Presenza sui principali portali immobiliari

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