Record Value Increase for a Factory in Lucera (FG), Specializing in Brick Production, Sold at +82% above Starting Price

The sale of a factory in Lucera, in the province of Foggia, has become a true case study due to the remarkable percentage increase in the property’s value, reaching a significant +82% above the base price.

But that’s not all. The entire industrial complex, consisting of buildings dedicated to brick production, was the subject of intense competition, reaching unprecedented levels.In fact, 79 bids were received during the auction, a figure that attests to the success of the property sale.

An industrial asset composed of warehouses, offices, and land

This industrial complex in Puglia, dedicated to brick production, boasts excellent potential, including the size and type of facilities available. These key features were highlighted through a tailored digital promotion, generating significant interest.
A commercial area comprising four warehouses for production, brick processing, and equipment protection, as well as metal canopies, storage facilities, offices, and land. The asset was awarded at a final price of €582,500.00.

The Gobid Group team successfully implemented a winning marketing and sales strategy, making the industrial asset even more attractive and desirable, thereby maximizing its value over time during the entire sales management process

Diam molestie cursus malesuada viverra non ut ornare.


Valore asset gestiti.


Valore massimo battuto in asta.


tasso medio di crescita degli ultimi anni.


Numero utenti raggiunti.


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Presenza sui principali portali immobiliari

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