Vehicles and Equipment of the Municipality of Mori

Record Sale Time for the Municipality of Mori (Tn): Vehicles and Equipment Sold Off in One Month via Online Auction The Municipality of Mori (Tn) entrusted us with the sale of 26 movable assets owned by them, including vehicles such as Fiat Doblò and Ducato Ribaltabile, and Land Rover Defender, as well as equipment like…

Municipality of Rovereto

Liquidation of all machinery and equipment from the Municipality of Rovereto was cpmpleted within two months A tailor-made selling strategy allowed the Municipality of Rovereto to liquidate all the machinery and equipment for landscaping (and more!) within its warehouse in just two months. In response to the need to free up its storage space and…

Venice Interport

An international logistics platform sold at maximum value Industrial real estate is just one of the asset categories managed by the Real Estate team. The Venezia Interporto is a concrete example of a successful business. The logistics platform located in the Venetian lagoon was sold at an online auction.  This was a successful case history…