25 September 2024

Corporate Crisis at the Center of the Capri Seminar Promoted by the Curators Institute

Once again, this year, the traditional event promoted by the Curators Institute and dedicated to professionals of Insolvency Procedures returns. The splendid island of Capri will host the Seminar on Friday, September 27, Saturday, September 28, and Sunday, September 29, for three days focused on the corporate crisis, along with its legal and fiscal context. Gobid Group’s collaboration in the event, which is of great educational value, cements a long-lasting relationship with the organizing body.

In the halls of the Congress Center-Cinema Palace of Capri, distinguished personalities from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, the Ministerial Commission, the Supreme Court of Cassation, and the Verona Court will alternate, along with professionals from “PwC TLS,” one of Italy’s leading legal and tax consulting firms.

The goal of the Curators Institute is to promote debate on corporate recovery between regulations that advise “postponing the emergence of the crisis” and those that do not come into force alongside new tools. During the Seminar, the focus will be particularly on “whether the proposition of new tools and stakeholders can effectively facilitate the resolution of corporate crises and, if so, at whose expense.

Securing the Company

The distressed company will be the central theme of the first day of the Seminar on Friday, September 27. It will begin with a reflection on economic, organizational, and strategic analyses for changing the business model in crisis, continuing with different fiscal situations and already committed and potential crimes. There will also be discussions on topics related to leasing and selling the distressed company, along with standard contracts for leasing and selling businesses. The session will conclude with a focus on financial recovery.

Negotiated Composition

The key topics of the second day, Saturday, September 28, will be tax settlements, Negotiated Composition, and Simplified Composition. Particular attention will be given to the debate on Preventive Composition, analyzing its benefits and protective measures alongside its negative implications, with a focus on SACE credits. Speakers will include Anna Ghedini, Judge of the Court of Ferrara, together with Giulio Andreani, Pierpaolo Lanni, Judge of the Court of Verona, Laura De Simone, President of the Section of the Court of Milan, and Giovanni Battista Nardecchia, Deputy Attorney General at the Supreme Court of Cassation.

Restructuring Agreement

The last day of the Seminar, Sunday, September 29, will focus on reflections regarding the Debt Restructuring Agreement and Agreements and Contracts (art. 23 co.1 lett a) and c). Finally, the topic of Judicial Liquidation will be addressed, with an analysis of the roles of the new Judge and the new Curator. The prededuction, focusing on business operations, will be the concluding topic of the three-day event on the island of Capri. Leading the debate will be Luca Mandrioli, Professor at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Patrizia Riva, Professor at the University of Piemonte, and Salvatore Leuzzi, Counselor at the Supreme Court of Cassation. All participants will have the opportunity to delve into each reflection and idea with our delegates present at the desk. They are always ready to provide support and grow in synergy with professionals

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