28 June 2023

Economic crisis, protection of business and work in light of the reform

Gobid Group is also a partner this year of the fifth edition of the specialist course in “Economic crisis, protection of business and work in light of the reform” which takes place at the Faculty of Economics of Ancona (P.le Martelli n.8) on Friday 30 June and 7 July. An event not to be missed for all liquidators, judicial liquidators and all professionals in charge of the liquidation of assets in the context of insolvency procedures and corporate crisis management. Scientific coordinators: Prof. Antonio Di Stasi, Prof. Antonio Gitto, Dr. Prof. Antonio Acquaroli and Dr. Prof. Andrea Di Cesare. With the patronage of the Ministry of Justice, Polytechnic University of Marche, Department of Management and the Center for Advanced Studies on the Protection of Business and Work.

June 30th, the first day.

The event kicked off on Friday 30 June with introductory greetings from Gian Luca Gregori, Rector of the Polytechnic University of Marche, Maria Serena Chiucchi, Director of DIMA, Luigi Antonio Catelli, President of the Court of Appeal of Ancona, Edi Ragaglia, President of the Court of Ancona, Camillo Catana Vallemani, President of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Ancona, Gianni Marasca, President of the Order of Lawyers of Ancona and Roberto Di Iulio, President of the Order of Labor Consultants of Ancona. The theme of the first day, aimed at professionals in charge of the liquidation of assets, had as its central focus “The role of the bank in the negotiated settlement and the connections with the prevention opportunities deriving from the introduction of “Appropriate structures”; introduction to alternative tools (PRO ). Speakers, Maria Letizia Mantovani, Delegated Judge of the Court of Ancona, Michele Monteleone, President of the Section of the Court of Benevento, Massimo Ferrari, Head of the Intrum Italy Study Centre, Luigi Palladino, Head of Anomalous Credits at Banca Popolare dell’Alto Adige and Francesco Salerno, Professor of Law Commercial – University of Foggia.


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