Our magazine dedicated to Professionals

Last news

2 August 2024
Our sites thus strengthen their visibility from the Northern countries to the Balkan countries and Russia, tahanks to the integration of AI into our technological systems
6 May 2024
On May 6 in Milan, the cycle of S.I.S.C.O. 2024 study days will close. The theme will be dedicated to the “Tax Aspects of the Crisis and Insolvency Code.”
15 March 2024
Gobid Group is a partner of the regional educational event scheduled for March 15 at the “Garibaldi Milleventi” in Prato, organized by the UGDCEC.
7 March 2024
The educational event will take place at the Orfeo Tamburi Auditorium of the Mole of Ancona on March 15.

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All news

1 March 2024
Appointment on March 4th at the Molini Marzoli with the event organized in collaboration with Gobid Group
22 December 2023
27 educational events, 6,500 distinguished professionals met in the national territory. Let’s race together these 12 months of intense activity for Gobid Group.
26 September 2023
Gobid Group is the main sponsors of the conference dedicated to the Crisis Code, one of the topics of the moment. Appointment in Riccione, Hotel Corallo on September 29 and 30.
20 September 2023
The XV Edition of the Seminar of Delegated Judges, Criminal Judges and Public Prosecutors – Criminal Economy Session on the Island of San Servolo
19 September 2023
The XVI Seminar of Execution Judges dedicated to Real Estate Executions from 22 to 21 September in San Servolo.
19 June 2023
With the birth of Gobid Group, the websites dedicated to movable and immovable property auctions also renew their image and… not only that!
16 June 2023
Much more than an online auction house. A new site and a new brand for institutional communication aimed at professionals.
3 May 2023
Focus on 5 and 6 May on the reform of the executive process at the ODCEC headquarters in Bari.

Lorem ipsum


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    Gobid Group

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