Our magazine dedicated to Professionals

Last news

11 February 2025
The blogs of our web platforms Gobid.it and Gobidreal.it are finally online. A comprehensive editorial project aimed at providing new visibility spaces for managed assets.
20 December 2024
The year is drawing to a close, and 2024 has been a remarkably intense and successful year for Gobid Group. This period has been marked by thriving sales in the real estate and movable assets sectors.
13 November 2024
Gobid Group will be present as the main sponsor on November 14 and 15 at the National Conference, a key event for professionals.
15 October 2024
A high-value nautical asset entrusted to the experience and professionalism of the Gobid Group team: The Travel Lift now up for auction on Gobid.it is from Cimolai Technology, brand new, with a maximum lifting capacity of 880 tons, making it one of the largest lifts in the Mediterranean area.

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All news

3 May 2023
Focus on 5 and 6 May on the reform of the executive process at the ODCEC headquarters in Bari.
1 March 2023
Lo scorso 23 novembre Gobid Group è stata protagonista del webinar organizzato dall’Associazione Delegati Vendite Giudiziarie di Trani, aderente all‘A.C.D.C, Associazione Nazionale di Coordinamento Delegati e Custodi per lo studio del diritto dell’esecuzione forzata e delle crisi economiche

Lorem ipsum


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    Gobid Group

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