Privacy Notice
pursuant to and for the purposes of Art. 13-14, EU Reg. 2016/679

Last update : 2 October 2023

Pursuant to and for the purposes of Art. 13 of the European Regulation 2016/679 “General Data Protection Regulation” (hereinafter GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation) concerning provisions on the protection of personal data, the company GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL with its registered office in Milan (MI), Via Onorato Vigliani, No. 19, and its operational office in Matelica (MC), Via A. Merloni, No. 17/U, as the Data Controller, informs you that the data concerning you, which you have provided or otherwise acquired, will be processed in accordance with the referenced regulations. The data processing will be carried out by the Data Controller in a lawful, fair, and transparent manner, ensuring the protection of your rights.

In accordance with Articles 13 and 14, we provide you with the following information:

1. Purposes and legal basis of data processing

Personal data, such as personal information, as well as information related to your professional experience, educational background, and/or personal and family conditions, in the form of a curriculum vitae (CV), including the image contained in it, as special data, sent to the Data Controller in digital format (via email, contact forms on the website, or social media) or in paper form (hand-delivered), are processed for the purpose of conducting all the necessary procedures for the selection of personnel. This includes activities related to or instrumental to the internal selection processes of the company, for the evaluation of candidate profiles for employees, interns, or collaborators with specific professional tasks, verification of the prerequisites for hiring or collaboration, and using the candidate’s contact information to communicate the selection outcome, as well as evaluating and retaining the curriculum vitae.

2. Legal basis for processing: the processing of data is necessary for the performance of pre-contractual measures (Art. 6, letter b of the GDPR) related to personnel selection processes that originated from the receipt of your curriculum vitae.

3. Data processing methods

Data will be processed manually as well as with the use of computer or telematic means by authorized individuals. The data related to the stated purposes may be stored in both paper and electronic archives, including automated formats, to allow the identification of aggregated or specific data. In any case, data processing will be carried out in a manner strictly related to the stated purposes, with methods that ensure the security and confidentiality of the data. This will be done through the adoption of suitable measures to prevent alteration, deletion, destruction, unauthorized access, or unauthorized processing not consistent with the purposes of data collection. The company does not process Special Data, as the purpose of the processing does not require it.

4. Nature of personal data

The processing includes personal, sensitive, and judicial data related to the performance of the requested service. During the provision of the service, it may be necessary to acquire and process your sensitive and judicial personal data. Submitting the CV through dedicated channels authorizes the Data Controller to process the data contained in it in the manner strictly necessary for the pursuit of the stated purposes. The company encourages individuals to include the following statement in their CV or cover letter: “In accordance with current legislation, given the information provided on the company’s website, I consent to the company processing my personal data, authorizing their computer/paper storage, solely for Personnel Research and Selection.”

In any specific case, consent is required at the time of sending the CV through dedicated channels.

5. Recipients of the data: the data collected for the stated purpose may be communicated to: as data processors, members of the company’s corporate bodies and administrative personnel of the Data Controller and authorized employees; data processors, the list of whom is available from the Data Controller; professional legal, accounting, or labor consultants. There is no data disclosure to third parties.

6. Data retention: data collected for the above purpose will be kept for the time necessary for the indicated purposes and, in any case, for a period not exceeding 5 years.

7. Failure to provide data: providing the data is necessary to achieve the above-mentioned purposes, and the data subject is required to do so. Failure to provide the data will result in the inability to continue in the selection process.

8. Data transfer abroad: data collected for the stated purpose will not be transferred to countries outside the EU.

9. Automated decision-making processes: data collected for the stated purpose are not subject to automated decision-making processes (including profiling).

10. Data subject’s rights: under EU Regulation 2016/679, the data subject has the right to: access their personal data (Art. 15), obtain rectification in case of inaccuracies (Art. 16), request the restriction of processing (Art. 18), portability, which is the right to receive personal data provided by you in a structured, common, and machine-readable format (Art. 20), not be subjected to automated decision-making, including profiling (Art. 22), and file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority pursuant to Art. 13, par. 2, letter d) of the above-mentioned regulation.

11. Exercise of rights: the data subject can exercise their rights at any time in accordance with what is provided for by Art. 12 of EU Regulation 2016/679 by submitting a request to the Data Controller via: – registered letter with return receipt: GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL with its operational office in Matelica (MC), Via A. Merloni, No. 17/U – email to: – certified email (PEC):