Strategic consulting for start-ups and companies with unexpressed values

The Gobid Group transforms high-potential companies into successful entities. How? Thanks  strategic business mentoring activities, the digitalisation of processes, the use of innovative technologies, and personalised marketing plans designed to foster growth. Our experience and technical expertise allow us to achieve the best results in the online sale of any possible asset.

A tailor-made approach and cross-functional expertise to increase the business.


areas managed by our teams in the last year.


in progress of high-performing companies.



dedicated to growth and innovation.


Growth targets for our spin-offs in the next 5 years.


offers received


convegni organizzati all’anno conferences organized per year


professionals met every year


of the affiliated Italian courts


Customised technological solutions

By drawing on its technical expertise, the Group can automate processes with the aim of simplifying, optimising and improving management performance. The Gobid Group is also a point of reference for cutting-edge IT services supporting the legal, financial and business worlds. Continuous investment in resources and technology favours the development of innovative customised solutions.

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From software and management development to platform development for online auction, ecommerce, website and mobile app management. Digitization and automation of business processes, including through artificial intelligence, are the focus of Gobid Group’s business area.


Software development and management systems

More than platforms development of online auctions

Website and web app development.

Digitization of assets for online representation, including 3D technology.

Automation and digitization of processes through Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality.

Business acceleration

Gobid Group transforms high-potential companies into successful realities. How do we do it? Through strategic business mentoring activities, process digitalization, the use of innovative technologies, and personalized marketing plans designed to foster growth. We are able to do this thanks to the experience gained in online sales of any type of asset and our tech-focused approach.


Business Mentoring

Commercial and Communication Strategy

Multichannel Marketing Plans


Development of Media Plans and Digital Strategies

Advertising & Promo

Benchmark Analysis

Product Range and Pricing Definition

Product Launch

Tailored Tech Solutions

Digitalization of Business Processes

Project Management


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Case History


The marketplace for the online auction sale of movable property.

The marketplace for the online auction sale of properties.

The marketplace for the sale of works of art, collectables and rare goods.

Last news

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    Gobid Group

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